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Verb To Be (Past Simple)

Verb To Be (Past Simple)

I was
I wasn’t
Was I ….?
You were
You weren’t
Were you ….?
He was
He wasn’t
Was he …..?
She was
She wasn’t
Was she …..?
It was
It wasn’t
Was it ……?
We were
We weren’t
Were we …..?
You were
You weren’t
Were you …… ?
They were
They weren’t
Were They ……?

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Martes 17 de septiembre de 2024

T ues day 1 7 th   S eptember   20 24 . 1º curso - 1st grade English :      - Leemos el vocabulario de la ficha "School Things" y la podemos colorear.   Solamente coloreamos y leemos esa cara de la fotocopia.    Sc ience:   2º  curso - 2nd grade      English :       -  Terminamos la ficha  "Extra writing Unit 3" y "Extra writing unit 4" .        Science:

Mono Sílabo: gra, gre, gri, gro, gru


El Descubrimiento de América.