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Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2024

What's your name?


Martes 17 de septiembre de 2024

T ues day 1 7 th   S eptember   20 24 . 1º curso - 1st grade English :      - Leemos el vocabulario de la ficha "School Things" y la podemos colorear.   Solamente coloreamos y leemos esa cara de la fotocopia.    Sc ience:   2º  curso - 2nd grade      English :       -  Terminamos la ficha  "Extra writing Unit 3" y "Extra writing unit 4" .        Science:

Classroom Objects (School things)


"School vocabulary"


Numbers from 1 to 10

Days of the week

Good Morning Song for Kids


Where are you from? Countries

Learning Colors with play balls

100 Days of School with Grandma and Grandpa! | Count to 100