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Mostrando entradas de abril, 2024

Bicycle Safer Journey

Does he like...?


Simple Machines for Kids


Simple and Complex Machines

Pedestrian Safety

GreenLight - Traffic signs for kids

Road Safety for Kids


Happy. Easy Choreography.




Jobs - I want to be a ...


Does he/she like carrots?


I like / I don´t like


Jobs and Occupations for Kids


What are you doing?

World book day Celebration


Do You Like Spaghetti Yogurt?


Plants, Parts of Plants, Seeds


Numbers from 1 to 20.

This, That, These, Those


Demonstrative Pronouns: this, that, these, those.


Jobs and occupations


What time is it?

Skeleton song This That These Those


How's the weather?

How to tell the time with a Pizza


Talking about Daily Routines


My Day - Daily Routine


Word Families 1 | -at, -am, -an, -ad | Phonics CVC Words for Kindergarten


This is / These are


''His'' and ''Her''


Learn Nature Vocabulary


Geography - Nature - Landscapes


Happy/Dance for People choreography